Friday, November 1, 2013

But is it normal?

Last week our Connect groups were asked to open up a discussion on the topic of bullying. We watched a short clip with some images depicting bullying and bullying prevention. In a previous entry in this very blog, we also read about the problems that bullying can cause for the target, the person who bullies, and the bystanders (those that witness the bullying.) Remember that bullying has a global impact. It reaches lots of folks.

But is it normal? Our fall school climate survey shed some interesting light on this topic.

Students, teachers, and parents were asked if bullying was a normal part of growing up. Interestingly, we aligned pretty closely on the generalization that bullying is NOT normal (students 76%, parents 78%, teachers 80%).

The percents changed quite a bit when the question was phrased more personally. When asked if being a bully is normal, the overwhelming majority said no. Being a bully is NOT normal (students 94%, parents 98%, teachers 100%). Overall, our community thinks that being a bully isn't a regular, cool thing.

The community got a bit divided on the third "normal" question... is it normal to get bullied?
How do you think the numbers came out? If there was a difference, why do you think that occurred?

Talk about this during a Connect this week and find out more about how 'normal' bullying is by checking the new segment on the Bullying Prevention Bundle on our main web page.

Regardless of the national figures and local opinions... I think SMS should set it's own normal. I think it should be normal to NOT BE a bully and to NOT GET bullied. What a great normal that would be!

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