Sunday, November 24, 2013

30 Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! I hope your week is full of family, fun, and just a wee bit of learning (at least on Monday and Tuesday). Like many of you or your parents, I have enjoyed watching the Facebook posts of friends this month. Many of them have undertaken the task of making one post every day stating something that the author was thankful for. I don't post on my FB daily.  So instead I'll publish my 30 Things For Which I'm Thankful list here.

I'm thankful...

1) for God's love.
2) for my health.
3) for my job.
3) for the chance to work in a job that matters.
4) for the roof over my head.
5) for my brother Steffan and his wife Sandy.
6) for my sister Heidi and her husband Jason.
7) for my sister Kari and her husband Tom.
8) for all 15 of my nieces and nephews.
9) for international adoption (the way I got 3 nieces and 4 nephews!)
10) for Diet Coke.
11) for $1 large Diet Coke at McDonald's.
12) for the fact that I drive by a McDonald's on my way to work each day.
13) for an office staff that is creative, hardworking, and joyful.
14) for our passionate and professional teachers.
15) for laughter and love.
16) for the fact that I look OK in purple.
17) for non-certified staff members who support our learning mission.
18) for a tech team that is so devoted that they are willing to work 24/7 if needed.
19) for all of the school and college teachers that I've had.
20) for all of the global educators that post on Twitter and teach me now.
21) for the leadership team at SCSD2.
22) for the organizational skills I inherited from my late mother.
23) for the sense of humor I inherited from my late father.
24) for the fact that my parents didn't bail me out when I struggled.
25) for the fact that my parents made me pay for college.
26) for the fact that my parents always read books.
27) for the closeness I have with my siblings and their families.
28) for my friends.
29) for the Louisville Cardinals.
30) for the students (current and previous) that I've had the privilege with which to work.

I hope that your Thanksgiving is filled with the things for which you are thankful! I challenge each of you to make a list. Thirty different things. Go. Write now. :)

Enjoy your holiday.

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