Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Holiday Wishes

We're on the countdown to Christmas! One more week of school and then a few days at home before Christmas Day. Then another week until we're welcoming in 2014 when the ball drops on New Year's Eve. As we close out the 2013 entries for the In Your Corner Blog, I would like to use this week's entry to share My Holiday Wishes... for each of you!

I wish that each one of you gets to spend time with your family. Real time. The kind of time when you look at each other and talk to each other. So put up your cell phone. Sit down at the dinner table. Play a game. Watch a show together. Go for a walk. The time we have with our family is precious. Make an effort over the next two weeks to spend some time with those you love.

I wish that each one of you remembers to show appreciation for the gifts you receive. We all have visions of sugarplums dancing in our heads. Sugarplums... and gifts. Some of you are hoping for a phone, a tablet, a PS4, new clothes, videos, sports gear, hunting gear, art supplies, books... the list goes on and on. Whatever you receive this season, remember to show appreciation because any gift, large or small, represents the love and sacrifice of another person. Please accept these gifts with a smile, a hug, and a thank you. 

I wish that each one of you remembers that you are loved (by God and others). We all have different circumstances in our lives and we will all have different experiences over the holidays. Whatever your traditions, your meals, or your activities, I hope that you feel that love.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, SMS!
Enjoy your holiday. I'll see you in 2014.

Miss Nass

Mr Smith and I enjoyed our visit with Santa!
We asked for all of your Christmas wishes to come true!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Holiday Giving

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

We've got snow on the ground and a very unique Christmas tree in the media center (thanks, Ms. Denhart!) We've got Santa coming to school Friday for a photo op. You can't flip the tv channel without finding a Christmas movie. Yes, this IS the holiday season.

It is also the season for making lists. I'm not talking about lists of what we want to get, lists a mile long with items from Best Buy and Macy's. I'm talking about lists of what we plan to give!

What can you give this season? Will any of these items make your list?

  • Can you give your parent an hour of extra help at home (cleaning or doing dishes)?
  • Can you give your sibling an hour of fun by playing a game with him/her?
  • Can you give a neighbor a hand by shoveling his/her sidewalk or driveway/
  • Can you give some attention to an elderly person by asking him/her to share a story?
  • Can you give peace to your classmates by going an hour, day, week, month without gossip?
  • Can you give joy to someone by singing a song?
  • Can you give a smile to a classmate or staff member that you've been acting harshly toward?
  • Can you give some relief to your parents by dropping an item or two from your wish list?
How about including some low cost gifts, things that you make? Can you make ornaments or cards? Can you bake something? Can you regift something that is important to you? Is there something you have or that you wear that a younger sibling would love to have?

I hope you all give some great gifts this year. Give gifts from the heart. And warmly receive such gifts from others. 

Grab a pencil and paper or crank up that iPad and open up Notes.

Start your giving list today.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Let's Do This!

Last week was a great week for Scottsburg High School basketball. The Warriorettes defeated the Lady Eagles Tuesday night in Austin. The Warriors defeated the Austin Eagles Wednesday night.

Both games were well attended. In fact, the boys game was played in front of a packed house at Meyer Gym on the newly named "Donna Cheatham Court." The pre-game flag ceremony was just as impressive as the crowd of Warrior supporters!

How can this picture not get you fired up for what is ahead for you at SHS??

It is our job at SMS to help you have a quality learning experience, to help you grow as a person, and to help prepare you for high school. To help you do this, I try to keep up on happenings at SHS. In reading up on the week's SHS basketball success, I noticed an interesting comment from SHS Principal, Ric Manns. Mr. Manns commended his student fans for supporting the teams and for cleaning up their own cheer block after the game.

Wow. How impressive is that? Whether home or away, SHS students clean up their own messes. We do that in our lunchroom and in our classrooms, but we've not done this at ball games. I think we should. What a classy way to act as fans and to support our custodians like we support our teams.

Starting tonight, let's do this. Whether you are a player or a fan at ANY SMS game, let's clean up every bottle, can, and wrapper in our seating area. Let's do our jobs on the court and in the stands! Let's get ready for SHS! Let's do this!